Child: "Why is the sky blue?" Adult: "Because."

  • Child: "Why is the sky blue?" Adult: "Because." Child: "Why because?" Adult: "Because it is." Child: "Why is it?" Adult: "Thats the color the sky has." Child: "Why is that?" Adult:
  • "Everything has a color." Child: "Why?" Adult: "This isn't a post-racial utopia." Child: "Why not?" Adult: "Uhhh, why don't we change the subject?" Child: "No!" Adult: "Why not?"
  • Child: "Why do you keep answering my questions with questions?" Adult: "Why do u think I am?" Child; "I think this is a ruse." Adult: "WTF is ruse?" Child walks away, adult runs
  • to the library to look up what the word "ruse" means. OMG, that fucking little kid is gonna get it for thinking I was trying to ruse them! So on the way home the adult stopped by
  • the grocery store and pulled out a gun. He demanded that the clerk give him $20 and a nail gun. He wouldn't tell the clerk why, but the clerk obeyed. Then the adult ran to 5th Stre
  • et Deli &, waving both guns, demanded a pastrami sandwich with extra mustard. Done! The adult had to shove both the nail gun & the other gun in his back pockets so he could eat.
  • The pastrami was so damned good it made the adult twerk. Bullets and nails shot in every direction like hornets and bats on fire.
  • Miley Cyrus watched and applauded. This video of the pastrami on her sandwich was posted at Facebook and tweeted 1,000,000 times in a day. Her dad was thoroughly disgusted with her
  • ability to beat him at everything he has ever tried. But then it happened, Miley became a judge on The Voice and unknowingly turned around for her father, a surprise contestant
  • even though he was not an amateur and didn't need the money. The man who had danced with a potato on his head was beside himself with rage, being the one who truly deserved to win.


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