In celebration of the birth of the newest

  • In celebration of the birth of the newest member of the royal family, I decided to send William & Kate a baby gift! I settled on something I thought no one else would think of...a
  • fur coat, some crotchless tights and the keys to an ant-infested flat above a fish-processing unit in Scunthorpe. I thought I'd done well, as I popped them in the mail (no stamp re
  • member because I kept putting off going down to the post office to buy stamps and I totally forgot that you buy stamps at the grocery store), so the thing never got mailed.
  • It stank up the house. "Enough! I'll go to the grocer's," I said in a fit of rationality. I handed the clerk a sheet of 20 stamps. She asked, "Does '12 items or fewer' mean nothing
  • to you?" She pointed to the sign clearly stating. I sighed. I needed each and every one of those twelve items, which one was I supposed to get rid of? My fairy godmother appeared,
  • flipped me off, then disappeared. I smiled at the clerk, a charming grin. She folded her arms and glared. Maybe juggling would convince her! Gradually, I added each of the 12 items
  • together in my head and come up with the answer. "Twelve!" I hollered in triumph. The clerk still seemed mad. Juggling numbers had failed. I took the 12 items and tried
  • the 9 item cash only express lane. "I'm sorry, sir, er, ma'am, but rules are rules," intoned the weary cashier. "But they're all YOGURT. Please?" "Fine." I pulled out my checkbook.
  • You can't expect to take 475 packs of yogurt through the 9 items or less express lane. I knew that, but damn it I hated this store, and I'd do anything to cause trouble there even
  • if it meant pretending to have an epileptic fit in the wine aisle and projectile vomiting on random shoppers with my pants around my ankles. God, I hate this store.


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