There I lie, covered with warm piss, eating

  • There I lie, covered with warm piss, eating cold Ramen -- Chicken flavor.
  • I think about what the chicken flavor really is made out of as the piss cools. I wonder why piss cools so quickly as compared to a warm bath. The girl steps away. I thank her and
  • and slip her an extra fiver because I know Joann's Fabrics doesn't pay much. The Golden Shower, asparagus variety. Then I feel the urine enter my wounds and
  • scream bloody murder; urine is the last thing you should use to saturate an open wound. The Golden Shower (Asparagus Variety) is to be delivered to my door, and when it gets there
  • I wish you to deliver to unto me with my mouth wide open, my arms spread out as though I were singing an operetta. Something by Andy Lloyd Weber, because he's god. He's god, damn
  • ...' I plunged the seringe in her arm, trying to keep her from biting me. She was getting worse by the day. Andrew Lloyd Weber compulsivity, combined with mpd and ADD, now there's
  • a cure. The vulcan blood infusion would surely stop her from singing "Memories". That was just too painful to here after what had happened,but Spock just became another personality
  • on satellite radio. He played the worst tunes. So, this chick is belting out Memories, off key, mind you, and Spock started to cry and think of his childhood pet, Spike-o. Spike-o
  • was a funny little puffer fish that Spock enjoyed taking for walks ... albeit short walks. Usually he would put on his water pants and place Spike-o "down there" and then
  • waddle around just like a duck back and forth and back forth shaking his tail feathers for all the world to see.


  1. Zetawilk Sep 13 2012 @ 14:54

    "Oh my God! Andrew Lloyd Weber IS God!" - Maxwell Sheffield, The Nanny.

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