Once committed to being unpredictable, there

  • Once committed to being unpredictable, there was no turning forward. Ha! Thought I was going to say "back, didn't you? Enumerating is nix. Using proper nouns OUT. Hanging from my
  • coccyx, the dental-floss rope snapped and I fell to my peril. "Help, I'm drowning in quirksand!" I said with my Kellogg's vocoder. My friend threw me a snorkel... party. Ha!
  • Ha! Ha! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaa.a.a..a..a...a...a....a...aw? Eh.... I see that you are not laughing. You are trying to understand this very fold so that you can type the next one.
  • You manage a slightly uncomfortable half-grin, because you don't want to let on that you don't understand the joke. You wonder to what extent this thin plot can be stretched before
  • the next writer gets a crack at it, and wheeze a sigh of relief when your four minutes are up, particularly when it becomes clear that he's bungling it badly and just when you thi
  • k the story's come to a screaming halt a will languish for two years, a new, plucky folder revives it and there's life in FoldingStoryLand again; that is, until the story publishes
  • In the Journal of Philanthropy as a shining example of cooperation. Except who reads that journal anyway and the folded story once again languishes, begging to be ended but knowing
  • Twinkies are not dead and did you know also
  • that, like rock-and-roll, Twinkies will never die?" It calmed my nerves a little which helped, because we had found a whole stash of Twinkies after we lost the Chernobyl tour group
  • to the radioactive waste, which was extremely unnerving, but the Twinkies did help a good bit. If anything can make radioactive death more tolerable, it's Twinkies.


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