3 big green elephants were stampeding towards

  • 3 big green elephants were stampeding towards me. I ran as fast as I could but
  • I was on a serious vision quest fueled by three bales of Peyote, a steamer trunk full of acid, three peppercorn grinders stuffed with opium, so I tried to float over the elephants
  • that were doing snow angels while on fire. The peanut-shaped interdimensional rift started floating away as I suddenly came down to earth. "Whoa, now I can write that song," I said
  • "i fell into a peanut-shaped ring of fire!" I drawled at the Barbwire Bistro Road House. I tried to yodel quantum theory to these cowboys but they seemed more into their beer.
  • A fellow in the back got up and came to the front of the bar wearing a black t-shirt with an equation on it. I realized it was a closed form expression for the grand unified theory
  • .We were drinking and discussing down-type quarks, majorana masses and lepton isospin doublets, but were suddenly interrupted by the Ghurtvin invasion. Why does this always happen?
  • And don't answer with anything snarky like those halfwits on FS.com. "Probably because you're on the border of Gurt." Or "Maybe if your watchtower was higher than a midget's
  • ankles." Now I've forgotten what I was talking about. But speaking of exploiting deformity, what happens if you've got a body with two heads, but the other head dies? What then?
  • Well its pretty bad I imagine! I would know because I lived most of my life with a conjoined twin attached to my ribcage, and now it sits in a jar resting on the mantle.
  • my rib-cage, that is. the Siamese twin is still attached to me.


  1. SlimWhitman Jul 28 2012 @ 06:28

    LOL Wierd finish. I like.

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