
Yup...it's that time of year again. The 30th

  • Yup...it's that time of year again. The 30th Annual Lowcountry Oyster Festival is one of the world's largest foodie events. But there are some, uh, "implications" to eating oysters
  • . For instance, Jasper Billwonger, who was last year's raw oyster eating contest champion, was also the kid known for swallowing his own loogies. The Lowcountry Oyster Festival
  • was the pride and joy of the county, whose sole industry was that of the oyster processing persuasion. Normally no self-respecting tourist would ever deign to go to those smelly
  • outhouses. But the South Mimms Bivalve Appreciation Society had booked in for a 2 week programme touring the oyster beds & shelling sheds. Nothing so exciting had happened since
  • the offshore oil rig had exploded and flooded the coast with petroleum. Now that the recovery was "complete", Governor Forrest Gump expected increased tourism and an improved
  • Rate of hiring among the oil companies for the cleanup job. Three Martians volunteered, saying the petroleum was rocket fuel for their spaceships. They also used dirty socks.
  • Dirty Socks was the gumba that ran the black market in the space piers. So the 3 Martians, inadvertently, were admitting that they knew who their Crimelord was. This chilled thei
  • -r green hearts to the core. Dirty Socks would blame them for squealing. The 3 Martians decided the only way out was to leave the planet. They leapt into their green pie pan and
  • jetted off towards the nearest warp gate. Their experience had been nonetheless a complete nightmare and would serve as a warning to all potential alien visitors.


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