Once upon a time in a galaxy far far away.

  • Once upon a time in a galaxy far far away. There was a cat and a dog and another cat. They lived together quite happily most of the time except at feeding time.
  • It was always at dinner, precisely 5:56 when the ruckus would begin to fester
  • like a puss encrusted boil. The ruckus would become a cage match. She wanted to eat at the table. A family dinner. He wanted to eat on the couch. Monday night football. They used
  • a broken pair of chopsticks to settle the dispute. Long one the winner. Broken one the loser. "Caveat," she whispered. "Loser is gracious." He considered. Nodded. Reached for the
  • chopstick that looked the shortest. He thought she'd try to trick him, but would later find out she was blind. He was anything but a a gracious loser, and left with her cane.
  • What he didn't know was the cane had a GPS responder, too, and soon, the police were on the hunt for "the lady's cane." As if they didn't have enough to do that night, now they
  • were looking for the walking cane of an octogenarian. When they started tracking the GPS, the cops noticed it was traveling at speeds exceeding 90mph. A getaway car? No, it must be
  • that those wickedly smart coppers just couldn't let anything slip past them. The car was speeding in excess of 90mph and heading straight for the cliff in front of it.
  • But the car was quite empty, a detail which escaped the notice of those stalwart sleuths in hot pursuit. They we so focused on their quarry, that when it zoomed over the cliff
  • the cops stopped and had General Foods International Coffees. Then they each shared a sweet memory of me from their Senior trip. For I am Jean Luc, France's great heartbreaker.


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