Since WWI when soldiers at xmas put down

  • Since WWI when soldiers at xmas put down their guns and played football against the enemy it has been a tradition in every war no matter where in the world for soldiers to
  • shake their presents and try to guess what was inside. That was back in WWI. Now it's WWXXI. It's Zxerchophan against humans. But, it is still Christmas. The presents
  • today mostly consist of weapons, ammunition, military rations. Sometimes sub-zero attire. Now that annual world wars have supplanted the Super Bowl, the advertising industry has
  • taken to endorsing weapon systems: Laser Targeting drones brought to you by Walmart, Defensive Anti-personnel brought to you by Starbucks. The War sport teams had names like
  • Battling Betty and Fighting Ferdinand. A graphic design contest was being held to design the jerseys. While all entries would be acknowledged with a small token, the grand prize
  • Was a ticket to "Dracula". How perfect was that? The interior Beethoven was drinking tea while composing his "Emperor Concerto" (No. 5) and using claret ink. Outside, the leaves
  • swirled in agitation as a lycanthrope howled the Moonlight Sonata.Now bedridden Johann Sebastian hummed a Transylvanian folktune.His undead assistant jotting the notes in his blood
  • . "If the music ain't Baroque, don't fix it!" hissed Johann Sebastian, his all-seeing red eyes gleaming in the flickering candlelight of the bedroom. Romanticism aside, vampires
  • are a-holes. So I told Bach to shut up and you-know-what. He tried to suck my blood so I kicked him out of bed. Then he improvised on the harpsichord in B minor, baring his fangs.
  • I countered with pianoforte. He changed key. He even called in more voices & more contras. I threw up a cacophony but his elf horns blew through. It was morning for the Magicians.


  1. LordVacuity Aug 28 2017 @ 01:01

    That song always haunted me since the day I had killed it.

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