Linda stared out the window, watching as

  • Linda stared out the window, watching as the breeze ruffled the leaves on the tree in her immediate line of sight. She was so focused on the world around her, she didn't hear
  • the doorknob start to turn, or the footsteps that followed—or maybe she did hear. Maybe she heard it all.
  • She could never be sure what she heard. The footsteps echoed through her mind. The imagined feet went up and down the MC Escher stairs of her mind. When she closed her eyes
  • she could see him clanking along those stairs, up and down, over and around. Sometimes even through. This was no good, she had to stop thinking about it. So she took the large
  • knife from atop the counter and prepared to defend herself. She had no idea who this man was and what he was going to do, and she was terrified. She stationed herself in front of h
  • im and stabbed his chest. He died then and there. She looked horrified at the body.
  • "On 2nd thought, a few stitches & he'll be good as new". She got the sewing kit she used to darn his socks with & set to work on the chest wound. She'd prop him on his favorite
  • giant stuffed teddy bear so that the pain was more tolerable. "Oh, hell. It looks like somebody's ripped your heart out through your chest!" She said, cleaning his wound and using
  • +15 rebound action to salve the wound. He jumped out of the gurney and zipped directly to the college dance clubs to get all cuddly with the laaadeeezzz, in his words. At closing,
  • But before he could get all cuddly the FBI revealed his identity, he was William Wallace and the Brits sprang up to go at him again.


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