His bus was late. Bored, Geofry licked his

  • His bus was late. Bored, Geofry licked his palms and approached the Forshay Tower. With subtle suction, he slowly crawled up the side. By the sixth floor, he realized that
  • the floor was occupied by a posse of nudists, unknown to those without the capacity to peek in upper levels. With a shriek of surprise, the lanky fellow
  • realized that his wife was among the PETA activists and more shockingly still she'd shaved "down there"!
  • Why did she shave for PETA but not for him?!! Was he not worthy enough? Was it because of his insistence in eating cows and chickens and deers? He wanted a shaved p***y!
  • As he sat there, fuming impotently, the cat in question padded up next to him and laid its bald head on his foot. His rage began to abate. He made a mental note to look up
  • feline follicle pharmacies when he could find a minute, but for now
  • he'd have to settle for mephitis mammary market. He was constructing a Frankenstein super-animal. A giant quivering beast composed of the rags of the animal world and
  • various multi-colored sweaters. He would name this Frankenstein, this evil genious compound animal "Rags" and take it to dance clubs. "Its a squirrel-blackbird-pony-
  • crocodile-octopus, and it only violates a few laws of nature!" Unfortunately, that was a few too many for Detective James Manatee. Pulling out his signature Stained Glass RPG, he
  • blasted the ink-shooting violator all the way back to the Mesozoic Era. "It looks like Crocto-Pussy fought the laws," Manatee reflected, blowing smoke, "and the laws won."


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