the girl took the elephant by the hand and

  • the girl took the elephant by the hand and led him to the water. he drank until he has quenched his thirst, after all running across africa can get quite tiring
  • when your an elephant with a tuxedo on
  • people tend to stare and ask tiring questions. "what's up with you"
  • "Nuttin'," you know, right? "Like, 'sup witchou? Like, hahaha, STOP staring at me. What do you have, a STARING problem?!? Take a picture, why don't you? It'll last longer, haha."
  • Ghetto Santa was so popular, everyone wanted to have their picture taken with him.
  • But what was even better, for an extra $2.00, he let you take one of the elves around back of the stable, no questions asked. At first I felt sorry for the elf, until I realized
  • that the elves were incredibly well-endowed. Well, my sorry turned into incredible envy. Wow, the women that I could woo, and charge more than $2 like those elves, if I
  • was only interested in women instead of men. My time at the gay elf spa has only confirmed my sexual orientation. It will be hard to come out to Santa and all the other elves but
  • Santa being jolly and all should totally understand. You know he has his way with Rudolph every other Wednesday and Rudolph begs for more. Aparently
  • the elves like to watch. "Don't just stand there." Santa said. "Give Rudolph a hand." The elf working the video camera got in on the action, but not before putting on a bunny mask.


  1. MangoMania Nov 28 2012 @ 10:05

    I wish this story could keep going.

  2. CrazyBananas Nov 28 2012 @ 10:09

    I dont know, the bunny mask adds just enough mystery to lead you to the gutter :)

  3. WilDom Nov 29 2012 @ 12:39

    Hey Mango, you could start a new folding story to continue the adventure. That would be super swell if you did.

  4. MangoMania Nov 29 2012 @ 15:03

    super swell idea! i copied my last fold into a new fold. Here is a link: http://foldingstory.com/deolf/ Ideally this new fold will end with an elephant in a tuxedo, so the story comes full circle.

  5. MangoMania Nov 29 2012 @ 15:13

    Hahaha after reading the new folds, I'm regretting letting this continue.

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