I didn't like driving at night but since

  • I didn't like driving at night but since it was an emergency I took the car keys and headed towards the shiny new BMW. I opened the door - and stepped into blinding sunshine.
  • I was disoriented and looked around. Daytime? Instinctively I touched my face and felt a full beard where a clean cheek should have been. Then I saw why it was so bright. Two suns
  • well above the horizon. The raced eachother across the arc of sky setting in a metal grey sea. By then I'd walked through the ruins of a once populated city. Time was accelerated
  • even though , in some odd way it felt as though it had stopped, here in this city of destruction. Nothing was everything, everything was nothing, and yet I still felt hopeful that
  • you could get a decent cheese burger. I still had my skateboard and Monster drink. Even as the drone tanks razed the Community Center, I was not backing down.
  • I would be the Kid Who Saved The World! Hopping down into a manhole with my skateboard, I managed to escape the drones...for now. A plan. I needed a plan. If only I could reach
  • Doc Brown, but the bundle brained fool had left his wallet in the Old West and went back to get it. Think Marty think, how to save the world with my skateboard. Actually, hover boa
  • Rds are perhaps more adaptable. We have to do something about the Sandman planning to destroy everything. Mr. Sandman wears a fedora hat and has a Beat Generation attitude towards
  • humans. First you recite bad poetry while snapping your fingers. then you beat the humans to death or sleep which ever comes first. Too bad the sandman also has a
  • -pnea and is too exhausted to recite poetry or beat anyone up. It's a wonder anyone sleeps, what with him stumbling around all hours of the night like a zombie in a nightie.


  1. Woab Aug 30 2016 @ 15:04

    My new favorite bedtime story.

  2. SlimWhitman Aug 30 2016 @ 16:45

    Especially like the ending ;-)

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