Lead. The wedding ring had been lead "painted"

  • Lead. The wedding ring had been lead "painted" gold. She thanked the jeweler and went home. Her husband was sitting in front of the TV watching King of Queens and
  • had nearly emptied a kleenex box whose used contents decorated the floor. She showed him her wedding ring and said, "This is fake!". "Hrrrmm?" he replied. "I can prove it"
  • she yelled. "See?" she pointed to the fine print. "It says EL BUBBLE CIGARS!" He just flashed his trademark grin. "What? doesn't it still count? I mean jeez." She took the band and
  • cuckolded him with them and their instruments. He just laughed like a stupid flap-jawed idiot as she violated the species taboo, but when she had finished, she recalled: "My turn
  • -tables are better suited for phonography than pornography." He lauded her record-breaking performance from behind the glass, but she was too ashamed and dizzy to comprehend the
  • the way the adoring crowds looked at her. Maybe she should change into this other bathing suit? Think the crowd looking through the glass would mind? She slipped off the bikini bot
  • And then there were cheers. The crowd gone beserk at seeing their favourite actress doing such a stunt.Maria though stood there contemplating on what had her life become. She cover
  • ...ed her eyes with her hands. She then looked down in horror to see that she was now standing there in nothing but her pink underwear and black high heels. Maria let out a scr
  • eam of fright-and maybe even delight-now she matched every other girl at the Halloween party! Her pink underwear was a favorite of many boys. The humiliation was gone
  • and so were her undies! She walked tall & proud into the party, and she was the best looking Donald Duck in the sea of Miley Cyrus look a likes. Everyone knows Donald has no pants


  1. SlimWhitman Aug 29 2012 @ 13:15

    LOL ending. Never thought of Donald's suit that way.

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