Rarely do history books tell us about us

  • Rarely do history books tell us about us Godzilla's cousin in Singapore, the giant robot octopus.
  • Octobotus, was the result of Dr Sing's waldo equipped robotic marine sub fusing with a tentacled denison of the deep waters off the coast of Singapore. When Godzilla & Octobotus
  • finally arrived at the aforementioned pizza eatery, they were saddened to learn that they had dawdled at the fauxhemian poetry jam too long and their dinner reservations had been
  • given to the interceding party. This of course angered them beyond belief - and they decided that if they couldn't get seats at Dorsia, then nobody would. Tom grabbed a gun and
  • Put in his cargo pants pocket, fooling the bouncers. One yellow boot walked in by itself, looking for its mate. Jazzmine knew what was going to happen next, but told nano
  • nannie that the days of people micromanipulating each other was coming to an end, and that nano nannie had better keep her trap shut. The yellow boot kept on walking, and Jazzmine
  • started to hum one of these old songs of the thirties. "I know this song... I reminds me of my nannie... Helen...she was called... They never found her...
  • They never even looked for Helen, I bet." The old song filled the night. And when morning came, we all had a craving for something sweeter
  • than the red wine that we had filled our glasses with the night before. They had never looked for Helen- who knew how many innocents they might let slip away? My fangs glistened
  • because I had buttered them. What they didn't know about Helen was that she too was no innocent. She had her fangs too. We sank our teeth into each other every night.


  1. Flopp May 02 2016 @ 04:27

    Oh god. Buttery Fang Love

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