"Mr. Donovan?" Celia said nervously. "Yes,

  • "Mr. Donovan?" Celia said nervously. "Yes, what is it?" Mr. Donovan asked. "I saw Theodore kissing Rusty." Celia said. Then Theodore and Amos entered the room and Mr. Donovan
  • told Amos that Theodore kissed Rusty. Mr. Donovan was always sabotaging his son Theodore's relationships. Amos got pissed and confessed he'd kissed Mr. Donovan. Celia
  • thought of Theodore Donovan, and his father, and cousin Rusty and the tangled threads of family. She was thankful she'd escaped by marrying Amos, and now that she was pregnant,
  • she wondered why her spastic cat broke up her marriage to Amos.
  • But was it really her spastic cat's fault? Is it fair to
  • condemn a woman that is passionate in the welfare of the feline community? No, it should only matter when she is solely focused on obtaining a
  • nother child skeleton. The woman had her house decorated with baby skeletons. All her cats would sharpen their claws on infant rib cages and femurs. It was hard not to
  • be impressed. I'd never seen a woman able to raise so many cats on a spinster's budget. Also, how could she afford the rent on this ossuary? He hung his coat up on a tiny clawed
  • coathanger, then turned back to the crazy cat lady. He sniffed for a second which felt like an hour, then slapped his hand violently across her cheek. "Don't ever call me a whore."
  • "And don't you ever slap a woman or a cat!" He was busted then. Right or wrong, the ASPCA and the ACLU had him carted away for sexist and speciesist abuse. Violence, tut tut.


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