Mr Hall was walking to school one morning

  • Mr Hall was walking to school one morning when the most amazing event happened!
  • All the students were greeting and bowing, classes were non-disruptive and no one disobeyed school law. Finally, Mr. Hall was happy; the students were obeying him unquestionably!
  • He took out his reading glasses and looked at the history book he had to teach from. It was 500 pages total and weighed three stone. How intimidating that felt at times.He turned
  • to Johnny and smacked him twice on the head with the giant history book. Johnny's mohawk was flatted like cheese slice. "Does this book scare you? Good." He knew just how to teach
  • history to rebellious youth. One wack of the hefty tome and his pupils respected the weight of history. "But what is it good for?" asked Johnny Punk ever questioning establishment.
  • "Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it," said the professor. Johnny Punk rolled his eyes. He would repeat all the mistakes of history just to stick it to The Man.
  • Johnny invaded other classrooms.Taking over twice. He began an unwanted war, drafted people then berated at the end. He repeated so much history that kids passed all their tests.
  • Johnny became the hero of the school. The other kids took over the office and made Johnny the principal. Johnny opened the teacher's lounge to everyone and drinks were on the house
  • . The school's name changed to Johnny's Premium Prep & Casino. Students who had heretofore taken no interest in math were becoming accomplished savants. School boards lauded Johnny
  • for uniting the schoo. lunder the one pure race: The Preps. Johnny's influence spread across the world. Soon, a prep revolution started in several nations. It was the age of preps.


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