It was six of one and half a dozen of another,

  • It was six of one and half a dozen of another, two and a half fifths of another and thirty one sixty fourths of the
  • rest. Meetings of the Morally Equivalent Majority were long affairs and were generally inconclusive. But there was one time we'll never forget. That night, James
  • Watson showed up and lectured us that we should do the human race a favor and keep our DNA out of the gene pool. Jim was never one to beat around the bush. The moral majority Pres.
  • decided that he wanted to spray his DNA all over the gene pool. He decided to work late on the weekend while a certain pleasantly plump intern who fell for Jedi mind tricks
  • jutupaunik
  • was all that rosamania could manage to type. She'd never been very good with computers, but after the partial lobotomy things were obviously much worse. Additionally, she couldn't
  • quite escape the feeling that the computer was watching her the entire time. She stood, drooling, and hurled the wretched device from the third story window, watching as it
  • crumbled over the concrete and broke into a million pieces. But something wasn't right. Even though the computer had been destroyed, she still felt
  • like she was being watched. When she started the site, she had no idea it would turn into this. But it had. She had become the sole supplier of
  • evil masks, having eliminated her competitors by sending them free masks that possessed their souls and drove them to heinous acts, detestable even by them. She was making BANK.


  1. SlimWhitman Apr 28 2011 @ 17:26

    And that folks is called pulling a "jutupaunik". I hope we don't see it too often.

  2. ChucksterAce May 04 2011 @ 22:09

    one word doesn't have the same effect as one Liners.

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