It was the first day back to school after

  • It was the first day back to school after a two week holiday break...
  • and people made fun of my buck teeth
  • dont be sad! here, let me buy you a snowglobe, that always cheers me up
  • but the drunk backhanded her in the face. The snowglobe shattered on the floor. He said, "Rosebud? Rosebud is that you?" Then the director yelled, "Cut!" Orson Welles was
  • upset that the movie was ruined so she
  • decided to spicy things up between her & him on the theater floor, using popcorn for kicks.
  • She really wasn't all that interested though. She didn't swing that way and was only there for the free popcorn. Once it hit the floor, she went for a glass of water, and the exit
  • became filled with people trying to escape the burning furnace. People were running away from
  • the flames, and screams filled the air. The man in black squared his jaw and donned a particularly brave smile before heading straight into the
  • conflagration. Reminded him of home. Even the screaming recalled those throngs of damned souls under foot, writhing in eternal torment. As his black suit burned, the demon sang.


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