Previously on "Pagans in Space":

  • Previously on "Pagans in Space":
  • the ribald master of the galaxy Derf the Magnificent, cruised the dusty nebulae in his pleasure barge blasting Hyperspace with Eridanean Beats and disturbed the Behemoth of
  • Buukquati to ask it a question. Since I was on the other side of that same universe, I could not hear what that question was. It made the Behemoth molt crimson. My stock just rose.
  • The problem was, chicken stock isn't supposed to rise. "Who the hell put yeast in my crock pot?" Little did I know that this was the key to uniting universal consciousness.
  • Little did I comprehend just how much perversity permeates the universal consciousness. Humans revealed filthy, violent, degraded ideas. Retaliation with anger is fire with fire.
  • So I attempted to put the angry flames out with my cool, clear thoughts. The anger was so intense that it made my river boil, but I knew I had to keep dousing it without becoming
  • too hot-headed myself. Man, was that hard to do. But eventually the angry boiling river slowed to a simmer. I was finally able to sautee my feelings again. I added a little spice,
  • and everything nice. But I the ingredient this dish really needed was revenge. I liked the blade of my knife.
  • With a crack, the blade of my knife snapped off and dropped into the cauldron. Bubbling like crazy, the substance rose inside, slowly forming a gelatinous consistency.
  • The blob rose out of the cauldron and spread everywhere, devouring the witch! I rescued Princess Dolores and we escaped the wicked castle, just as it was disintegrated by the blob.


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