there once was a boy he lived in a big shoe

  • there once was a boy he lived in a big shoe
  • and he ate the shoe because he hated and kind of food besides a shoe (he was on a special diet)
  • MEANWHILE, Jeremy Clarkson wept over a pint of beer as he lamented the termination of his contract with the BBC. His co-hosts on Top Gear were sympathetic, but The Stig remained
  • on his private island, creating milk duds from his nipples. Well, some say that's what he did. Personally, I think he was using his armpit hair to develop a new kind of
  • aromatized dredlock extension. But on his private island Ned Wartonbellie was living out his dream, made possible by winning Texas Bonanzee Sweepstakes. I'd break the story,
  • but my publisher had other ideas. "That's not news!" he screamed, when I floated the idea. So Ned continued to play the sweepstakes in relative obscurity until, in a bizzare twis
  • -ted super slide at the local pool he rammed into the colossal backside of Peggity MacGruder, the frozen food heiress. She fell in love with Ned and the two were married. Now Ned
  • Was the henchman of the nanomasters union. This was his best job ever, but it was. Just the beginning of an illustrious career programming robots. George Jetson was a coworker of
  • his from back when he worked at Spacely Sprockets. He had always been jealous of George because of his wife Jane, their daughter Judy, and their son Elroy. So he drunk called him a
  • Flambé…a Suzette, a Diane, a Christmas pudding, which enraged George, who called Astro to sic him. It all ended in a terrible lawsuit and Astro was found guilty and put down.


  1. LordVacuity Mar 21 2017 @ 20:07

    Why was the food heiress frozen? Is that code? Not binary.

  2. Woab Mar 22 2017 @ 13:05

    Q: Why was the food heiress frozen? A: To get to The Other Side. Haw!

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