Temporary insanity is one of those things

  • Temporary insanity is one of those things you kind of have to lean into, even if you really are insane. You can't afford to have a good day on the stand when going for nuts.
  • But that depends on whose nuts they are. Which reminds me of the day I
  • worked for planter's peanuts as a janitor. I would rifle through offices looking for change. I put my coffee cup down on a desk, of a sketch, it left a ring around Mr. Peanut's eye
  • but I didn't think much of it until the next day when that hotshot Dan in marketing announced that he had "the new face" of Mr. Peanut. I recognized that monocle as residual from
  • the celebrity legume. Mr. Peanut would
  • use that plastic nose tin ways that would having me singin' Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy in 2 minutes flat! He was that
  • man that your momma warned you about. Just something about him. Maybe it was the
  • sex, maybe it was the quiet times in the morning. He had me and I knew that I would never be able to turn back. I was stuck. I only hope that this won't turn out like
  • taffy, cause I just can't stand the stuff. There's fresh and salt water. What the f's the dif? They're both horrible. That's the last time I let ANY man
  • tell me differently. Sure, there's the taste. But in reality, does that matter? It's all just a lot of H, a little 2, and a mediocre amount of O.


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