Once upon a time in a setting, a bunch of

  • Once upon a time in a setting, a bunch of characters were motivated somehow to follow a plot. They each had descriptions and conflict and correlating interrelated dynamics.
  • Then a extraneous character was added causing a twist in the plot. A flash-back showed how the character had been there before and was suffering from past associations.
  • But then the character was shoved into a small box which could only contain 180 characters, consequently meaning that it was lost to the depths of obscurity. We searched, but
  • never found it. The character was languishing in a sordid three fold story. It was jumbled together with a bunch of uncouth fricatives and glottal stops at the end of an expletive.
  • He had to somehow get out of the rutting Inciting Incident & into some real plot development, maybe a little exposition & backstory, but anything to get out of this plot hole.
  • Then a black miasma drifted up from his keyboard. It congealed into a horrible face. He asked, "Who are you?" It said, "I am the Plot. Not a plot, but THE Plot of Plots. You have
  • exactly 180 characters in each of three more lines to finish this, and don't deviate from THE plot!" He was flummoxed. He had no idea what THE plot was.Sweat dripped on the "j" key
  • as he was reading the lines before him. He had no idea what the story was about, the previous contributor, one 'm80' 'd given no obvious clues. He watched the timer count down as .
  • he broke into a cold sweat. The story's about an uh, Pope trained in martial arts. Hmm, no no it's about a sea cow who's also a detective. Noo, that'd never work. Maybe it's about
  • white trash noir as metaphor for -- No! Icicles of fear stung his guts like a half-digested frozen crabcake. How could he sum it up? His mind whirled into a blizzard of -- AAAGGH!


  1. Zetawilk Apr 05 2012 @ 21:27

    Getting all meta turned out pretty awesome this time.

  2. 49erFaithful Apr 05 2012 @ 23:03

    Held up all the way thru which is a rarity indeed.

  3. Zetawilk Apr 05 2012 @ 23:13

    Like a true rainbow, the variable pigmentation made a veritable dash that held on to the very end.

  4. Chaz Apr 05 2012 @ 23:32

    Chaz posted a comment which was seen as a keen observation related to the story.

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