But he didn't care. The Borg could go through

  • But he didn't care. The Borg could go through its routines. He just wanted his pass and his payment. It's chest opened and he reached for his propulser but
  • The Borg grabbed it before he could. Everyone was stunned. It was unlike borgs to act on their own accord like this. "Listen to me," it said, "I want you to..."
  • He fell silent at the use of these new words "I" and "me". What could they mean. As the Borg stood there truely alone for the first time in his life he felt
  • less than nothing. He was part of a new nihilist segment of the Borg, believing in even less than usual. His cybernetically enhanced
  • bowling ball had been programmed to dispense perfect White Russians when you placed all three fingers in the grip holes. Captain Kirk was reading Thus Spoke Zarathustra in the
  • Third Deck Bar in a private corner where he liked to retreat from the worries of commanding a Starship. He sipped on the Thulian Brandy and thought about Yeoman Randy's legs. Why
  • had Randy put on the red shirt and volunteered to go down to the surface? Why did any of them do it? Each week, someone chose certain death. He was in command, but it was a
  • Godsend to get out of the ship and stretch the legs a bit. Besides, red was the height of Federation fashion and anything to get away from Spock's yammering. Randy teleported
  • down to the planet's surface and looked around. "What a dump," he thought, as he walked to one of the slums huts. "So where can I find some crack?" he asked the first person he saw
  • The person replied, "Pull down your pants there is a crack on your backside." and they walked away... The moral of this story is: Be careful who you ask for crack...


  1. 49erFaithful Jul 13 2011 @ 17:19

    So Kirk swings both ways, eh? 'Course you really can't blame him - anyone could fall for Yeoman Randy's legs.

  2. SlimWhitman Jul 13 2011 @ 21:34

    At first I wrote, Yeoman Rand (the one with the blonde beehive hairdo) but then I couldn't resist the double entendre and added the 'y'.

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