Once upon a time there was a lonely girl

  • Once upon a time there was a lonely girl named liz, she had
  • a particularly ugly friend named Jake. He had a profoundly unusual manner, and his hair was
  • Awesome and out of his jelousy he decided he would pretend he was from skyrim hand dragon shout her... That failed so he just spartan kicked her down the stairs!
  • after kicking her down the stairs, he apologised and took her out for a lovely meal of fried horker tusk and then swooped her up in his arms and made sweet love to her
  • on a rustic brownstained sofa
  • lay a purple peach and a blue tarsier.
  • That's what the T-shirt's in Nueva Quark all said. Stupid tourist mung. I cracked a vile, and savored the chalky burn. If I'm going to catch this so called Reanimated Cyborg
  • I have to become one. The Wizard waved his wand and granted my request. "Keep a journal of your experiences for future rereference!", he said. I said okay and stuffed it in my shoe
  • footnote to self: keeping my journal under my sole for future reference I walk miles in my moccasins & tread softly on my past for it leads me to the future I chose with each step.
  • But my past was my arch enemy, I learned with blistering speed. I finally kicked off my moccasins (and my journal) into a nearby river & danced into the sun...finally free.


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