Starring in a Point & Click game had its

  • Starring in a Point & Click game had its ups and downs. Downs: Being violated by a cursor, watching the Clicker click on the same closet over and over (that's a dead end, stupid!),
  • Pros: Not a lot of strenuous physical activity, lot of downtime, great for lazy characters. Fortunately this was more of a children's game too, so it wasn't too dark and gloomy.
  • Cons: poorly defined character development and lack of gameplay maneuverability make this one a real snoozer if you're anything more than a novice. We give this one 2 stars out of
  • a million point of light. I mean really, bargain bin at Costco. Or better, yet give a copy for your dog to chew on because that's the most action you'll get from this drek.
  • I didn't let his cruel critique of my work discourage me. I sent my manuscript to every publisher I knew until finally... Have you heard of my book? It's called 50 Shades of
  • Bruises on Whores Who Didn't Service Me Right." What can I say, I am particular about what I want, and I get angry and I don't get it. And, my book was a HUGE hit (pun intended).
  • I have no idea why Barnes and Noble wouldnt sell it, I even supplied the black plastic bags that it could be wrapped in. I wandered to HookerHaven's Books & FootTickles to see if
  • the had my order for journals on 18th century British Empire and Maritime Trade. The clerk said he'd just had them arrive and headed out the back. While I was waiting a
  • surly man with an eye patch and a peg leg stumped in. When the clerk returned with my antique journals the man said "Ye be a brave soul to show yer face here Muggins!"
  • Muggins had a peg face though, which made things all the more awkward when conducting transactions. In the end, he never knew how much to pay, and left the store empty-handed.


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