He rolled over thinking she was talking in

  • He rolled over thinking she was talking in her sleep. No, she was quietly dreaming. He looked at her for a minute, never thinking he'd have a love so deep and real. She was fake
  • of soul and heart. How could I love someone who loathes even the thought of me? He thought. He got out of bed, and found himself standing at the entrance of the stone house.
  • Ah, yes. The stone house. A Beautiful structure. He stood there, meditating in it's wondrous stone architecture. But his emotions raged inside him: He could never love a beast.
  • So why was he being forced to love a beast? It was sick! You can't force one to love another, let alone a beast! But he had to try. He lured a chipmunk into the stone house.
  • A house widely despised by the chipmunk population, mind you, so even if it sounds like an easy task, it wasn't. But I digress. After securing the unsuspecting chipmunk in a cage,
  • I began to feed it M&M's laced with psilocybin. One for the chipmunk, one for me. One for the chipmunk, two for me. Pretty soon I began to feel that my plan was ready for Phase II:
  • which was to feed it M&M's laced with psilocybin. 1 for the chipmunk, 1 for me. 1 for the chipmunk, 2 for me. Pretty soon I began to feel that my fold was a copy & Prof. Chipmunk's
  • Fold was near perfect. His students were quite excited to be one of his classes. There were massive queues in the registration office. This was amazing. Prof. Chipmunk was so named
  • because he carried his lunch in his jowls and had to enunciate carefully so that his students could understand him. His humorous gesticulations made Prof. Chipmunk the most popular
  • teacher & the University valued his high pitched, high speed delivery: the students learned much faster! A professor in the bio department cloned him & now it's a two year college.


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