The boy made his way through the alleyway.

  • The boy made his way through the alleyway.
  • He was pushing his way through the crowd, determined to make it to Spatula City before closing time. His best spatula gave out this morning and he wanted to get one of those new
  • Wusthof gourmet 7 1/2-Inch slotted spatulas. He'd heard they where robust and he hoped they'd last longer than the pilfered McDonalds spatulas. His reputation as the Spatulator was
  • entrenched when he made Weird Al Yankovic's perennial smash hit "Spatula City" into reality. What better way to say "I love you" than with the gift of a spatula? He had 7 locations
  • at which Weird Al liked to serve deli meat. However, what he did have was a strange batch of unreleased hits. The label decided to release them to increase the
  • flashed tits of the bimbos in the crowd who couldn't hear for how loud the music was a-playin' and a-hippin' and a-hoppin' and a-bippin' and a-boppin' when the Hoover Dam burst
  • and thank goodness, the flood of water ended the whole hideous performance. Lots of people drowned, except for the bimbo's who stayed afloat with their silicone lips, tits, whateve
  • ntually became a great place to shop. "Bimboworld" became a popular tourist stop, with as many as 12 buses arriving daily. Dance was no longer
  • a vulgar word, and disco shorts were hot sellers. In fact the prime minister had his office painted in pink and gold glitter stripes and November 5th was renamed National
  • Day. National Day became the biggest holiday in the land and every november 5th there were massive parades . Glitter became much more ubiquitous.


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