Great! Roberta's boyfiend had given her a

  • Great! Roberta's boyfiend had given her a pet monkey and no animals were allowed in her building. OInly one place to hide it. In the
  • closet
  • full of shoes.
  • I fill my shoes with my feet.
  • I fill my gloves with my fingers
  • and my socks with toes. Although it is always sunny in california I always feel a need to wear at least two pairs of socks, my therapist says this is because of
  • my being found abandoned as a baby on the doorstep of a Hilton hotel, wrapped snugly in 2 sleeping bags. Plus I feel better if my foot with its missing 3 toes is hidden, after that
  • I try to go to sleep, trying to shrug off the negative feelings of the day. They cling to me like a thick layer of dried up sweat. In my dreams, I see a hill. I realize im dreaming
  • So I try to control my dream. After all it is my dream so I decide to make a bunch of supermodels come into the room and eat burgers from bk but it wasn't my dream and instead
  • I had recounted the time when the neighbors decided to barbecue some crocodile steaks and the passing odors attracted thousands of wild pigeons into the cul-de-sac, which was odd


  1. RhettOracle Jan 20 2011 @ 16:57

    Nice save, average-bear!

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