Who actually came up with this website? Are

  • Who actually came up with this website? Are people really supposed to sit at home and finish stranger's stories that they've made up off the top of their head? Oh my gosh, I am !
  • and then I realized that I am a beaver, and I cannot look at websites for I am too busy chewing on trees so I can create a dam to block a pesky river that
  • killed all of my family as i was just a small beaverite . sigh the river will pay for what it has done to me! i
  • hate beavers. Nasty things. With their teeth and strange over-mitt tale. People treat them like bunny's but their water rats. I drank beaver blood to get in their heads so that
  • I could find their damn dams. Always blocking up my fishing pond. Imitating the buffalo hunters of yore, I donned my beaver hide and approached the lake a gnawing on a cedar.
  • Despite my brilliant beaver disguise they caught onto my scent, slapping their tails before descending to the lodge. Little known to me they had summoned the giant Beaversquatsch
  • to add me to the Dam of the Damned. The River Styx had been backed up for centuries. Beaversquatch flossed the wood shavings from his teeth and set his eyes on my plastic tail. My
  • God, he wouldn't, would he? Quick as an oversized undead beaverdemon he was on me, trying to chew through my plastic tail in an attempt to add the chunks to his River Styx dam.
  • I guess he would. I raised my fist and brought it down at a slant so that my outward knuckle would catch his eye. Quick as a Styx snake he turned and gashed my hand open with fangs
  • that oozed with poison. Too late for hand.I killed the writhing thing, then decided what to do with my hand that was already swollen and bloated. You can guess what happened right?


  1. SlimWhitman Feb 09 2012 @ 12:14

    It's amazing how the beaver theme from fold 2 made it all the way to fold 8. I want to hear more about Beaversquatsch!

  2. SlimWhitman Feb 09 2012 @ 14:01

    who damns the river Styx...

  3. buddyboy4711 Feb 09 2012 @ 19:34

    It's safe to say that beaversquatsch is the real bushiest beaver.

  4. 49erFaithful Feb 10 2012 @ 14:19

    I dunno...there's some strong contenders out there ;-) http://fld.st/ajksf/

  5. buddyboy4711 Feb 10 2012 @ 14:49

    This one too (I wonder if Gilette would offer her a million dollars to shave): http://foldingstory.com/2773q/jsc96d/

  6. 49erFaithful Feb 10 2012 @ 14:53

    Oh yeah! The genital mullet! Very classy.

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