Hogwart's, of course, was the preeminent

  • Hogwart's, of course, was the preeminent school for young wizards in the wizarding world, but for those of the magical bent not bequeathed massive amounts of gold by their parents,
  • Hogwart's could be a source of bitter pining, or in some cases -- mercifully -- not even a landmark in the overworld of their imagination. Mariela Chastain, for instance, had been
  • in Hogwarts limbo for three consecutive years because the sorting hat couldn't decide where to place her. Mariela was in fact a muggle, but the magic quill made an error
  • and everybody knows "having writ, so let it be done". They really meant it. A muggle myself I have no idea what Mariela might have done at Hogwarts for 3 years. Doubt it involved
  • a stale loaf of pumpernickel bread and a small tortoiseshell kitten, but you can't be sure. Mariela's sure one of them folk you call "interesting." In fact, one time, she almost
  • mixed up the tortoiseshell kitten and the pumpernickel and put the kitten in the toaster oven. it was only when she started stroking the bread while setting the oven timer that she
  • smelled the smoke and looked up just in time to see the Firecat streak through the kitchen and out the window, into the arms of a kid named Teaser, but that's another album. She
  • observed them hop upon the peace train, riding the tails of the moon’s shadow, and as I stood there smiling, I could Teaser singing, “Longer boats are coming to wn us. Hold on to
  • my little pn us." It was a touching good tune. As the peace train disappeared into the distance, a cold chill ran down my spine. Peace. Peace had left this place. Now we had left
  • station for good. Or, more accurately, for evil. I guess Ozzy Osborne was right. We were going off the rails on this crazy train. Aye Aye Aye...faded to black.


  1. Woab Jun 18 2019 @ 10:24

    Looks like the train to Hogwarts got derailed, folks. There will be a commuter bus by shortly.

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