The forest was dense,of a deep shade of green.The

  • The forest was dense,of a deep shade of green.The light could barely pass through the tree tops.A savage tribe,untouched by civilisation prepared for the fight.Lean bodies painted
  • with clay and medicine plants to protect them from the white man's evil spirits. The spirits had killed more than their fire sticks. They approached the dwellings blowdarts ready
  • to attack. But what they found was astonishing. Like a scene out of The Village.
  • You know the movie by that guy who made the 6th sense? That guy who had the devil in an elevator and the killer trees? I can never remember his name. Anyway, the attack was like
  • the grass in that movie "The Happening." People were dropping like flies in bizarre numbers. (That was his worst movie by the way.) Anyway, I to figure out how to stop the attack!
  • I basically drink the syrupy pink chalk plasma and that seems to coat. This coating then stops the attack. And I can eat another spicy relish beer battered peanut butter sandwich
  • deep fried in maple syrup mayonnaise with jellied pork rinds bloated with confectioner's praline and bacon ice cream with deluged pickle chips embedded in simmering vichyssoise of
  • candied radish. The smell attracted obviously jealous glances which Sir Frederick III reveled in. "Bon appetite" he said to no one in particular
  • as he blew his nasty breath over the cradle, baptizing the heir to the throne in rampion aroma. Little King Fifer gagged, then coughed, waving his chubby arms as Sir Fredrick look
  • ed away. The filial deed was done, but he couldn't bear the thought of jwhat had just been unleashed into the world. Little Fifer wouldn't be little forever. No way.


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