My phone rang, I answered and I heard: Hi

  • My phone rang, I answered and I heard: Hi my name is Bob and I like pie
  • but I like you better. Want to go out on a date sometime? I bought some Old Spice just for you..."
  • "Paul, I do not want to go on a date with you mate." "Please, Jane, don't leave me standing here. I have walked for literally ages down a long and winding road to get here."
  • "Different song, same words," said Jane. "You can't smooth us over with pop-country stylings this time." Paul's open arms fell to his sides. The doors he'd opened for Jane
  • and did she care? Did she hell as like! If he had his time again... it was no use thinking like this, there was nothing for it ... Paul knew what he must do to rid himself of this
  • unrequited love of his. He'd build a rocket ship and shoot himself into space, where there is no love. Paul got right to work and by the time he was 87 the craft was ready.
  • The day his rocket finally launched, creatures made of light decided to contact humanity. As light engulfed him, Paul recalled the love he long gave up, and his 90 year old body
  • disintegrated around him, leaving nothing but his pure essence. Paul would no longer be apart from his love, spending an eternity with them and countless others in the light.
  • After about three aeons the others began to tire of Paul's bland presence, but their existence as beings of light precluded the usual hints such as serving coffee at evening's end.
  • So Paul stayed. They couldn’t get rid of him. Knowing Paul’s fragile mental state, they put a loaded revolver on the coffee table. Paul shot THEM with it and continued watching TV.


  1. Woab Jan 19 2020 @ 16:46

    I suppose that, in a world of pure essence, the loaded revolver, coffee table and TV would merely be pure thought. Death too, maybe.

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