An expectant hush fell amongst the Senators

  • An expectant hush fell amongst the Senators as Apollonius, his purple-trimmed toga billowing behind him, strode out into the center of the chamber. "Citizens," he cried,
  • "Many have complained about Colosseum funding, but I assure you that the lion baiting will provide most of the taxable revenue. Besides, if the Christians are sent out of state,
  • then all our pop music will improve drastically. The Romans sheered. Then
  • they popped, and indeed, the sound it made was some of the most beautiful music ever heard. (Although not by the Romans, of course, because they had popped.) The Vikings took their
  • shiznit and apples and got back in their Viking longboat, only to be besieged by Pirates who had teamed up with the Visigoths. But the Visigoths were posing as Watutsi, and they
  • made faces at the Pirates and invited them to tea. Since the Watutsi didn't have tea (or longboats, duh), the Pirates recognized them as Visigoths, and slaughtered all of them. Rex
  • Tyrannosaurus, the Captains Dogosorus made short work of the visiscraps. The Watutsi God Tutsirolo was greatly angered at the slaughter of his people by the Pirates and put a curse
  • on their namesake baseball team, resulting their 20th consecutive losing season. Tutsirolo, God of the Watutsis, smiled toothlessly as he watched the Pirates finally wave the white
  • underpants on a flagpole. It was an odd tradition that began when Queen Victoria waved a pair of her knickers at Prince Albert to grab his attention. Since then waving underpants
  • have been known as "royal flirting". This is a tradition that will be passed down to all upper class children, but may never reach the poor.


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