"They rolled in, unrelentlessly, full of

  • "They rolled in, unrelentlessly, full of vulgar...um I mean..." "CUT!!!!! JLo, Why? Why? Why, can't you get this right?"
  • JLo didn't answer. She'd only communicate to me through her drama coach/personal cook, Storm. "Forget motivation or method--just get her to learn the lines!" Scorsese begged. She
  • rebuked him by blowing vapor smoke right in Scorsese's face from her e-cig. J-Lo said, "Memorizing lines is bull crap old man, I'm an explorer."
  • And with that, Jennifer Lopez stepped into her private jet, which promptly took off for a previously-uncharted Pacific island. She WOULD be the one to find the lost treasure of
  • Gajiotha. It took JLo 40 years but she did find it. It was a vial of youth potion and just as she was about to drink it a large turtle arose from the depths. "JLO! You must not
  • drink that youth potion. If you do drink it, JLo, you will be addicted & they will own you. They will use you with that new youth & you'll hate it but you're addicted to the youth.
  • This is really the last time the choice will be real, no matter what you might tell yourself after, this really is it. Don't drink it. Better a saggy ass & freedom than an eternity
  • as a living sexbot. Eventually who you were would be forgotten so even that novelty will be stripped from you. You will just become an item in a catalog. #eiw8, with eternal youth.
  • That means there exists a listing for you without eternal youth, since that was the modifier. Your intact Doppelg�nger! Would you want to see you then? From either direction? Forge
  • ahead bravely, dear Reader, and be not afraid of what you encounter. There you are with a beetle growing from your forehead. (I think it's Ringo.) Like us, these are mere shadows.


  1. SlimWhitman Jan 29 2018 @ 15:40

    That's beatle to you! http://foldingstory.com/aiq4d/

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