This is a story based on learning management

  • This is a story based on learning management system. This is a tool named folding story, which means we can create a story by our own and add it in the tool i.e the website.
  • Oh man...don't do that. Don't turn FoldingStory into a learning tool! You'll RUIN it! I mean, why can't we just enjoy something for the sake of fun. Why does everything have to be
  • Suddenly he was cut off by the evil WORD LIMIT! He vanished into the darkness and was never seen again. Until one day...
  • he decided to dodge the evil WORD LIMIT one more time and he reached under the bed to grab his SCRABBLE game. I will show you, he thought, I can gain points if i use
  • "Words from different languages!" he shouted, losing consciousness briefly.
  • Confused glances were exchanged as he stood backup, rubbing his temple slowly. "Are... are you alright, sir?"
  • "Yes, I believe so," the man said, struggling to but eventually regaining his balance. "I must thank you sir, Should you not have interviewed, I would be dead."
  • Both men held hands... not because of love, but one can help the other up, for pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up. Ecclesiastes 4:10. Exit scene.
  • Pirigrito Parmenter (an assumed name for the sake of the Earthlings) apologized in translated English to his human acquaintance. "I hope it is not regrettable that your incarnation
  • Includes being a David Bowie collaborator. His Royal Highness insisted on that. "You have musical talent and similar exotic literary taste." Queen Bess agreed 100%, which was rare.


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