AHHHHH! Kathy screamed at the top of her

  • AHHHHH! Kathy screamed at the top of her lungs...
  • She stood on the kitchen chair trying to balance herself. She wondered what she would do if she fell. How was she going to get out of this situation? But, just then...
  • the doorbell rang bringing her back to reality. She wondered who could be visiting at this time of day.
  • She stood up and as she reached for the door, slipped and fell flat on the the marble floor.
  • "oh my", she said, "what a terrible fright!" and she hauled herself up with all her might. The room spun round, her head did pound, and out of the box jumped a slathering hound...
  • "Please don't let it rhyme!" begged the hound with sadness; "I pray thee, kind girl, put an end to this madness!" But in disgust she let out a grunt, for she was just an evil lil'
  • Kim impersonator. But she couldn't quite get the false eyelashes to stick with the copious amounts of eye makeup she had to spackle on to get the right effect. This caused
  • sadness across Pyongyang, as if an Il Sung was playing from the abandoned Ryugyong Hotel. When she was Jong, Il ness filled her Juche, and
  • she wept for the south. Today one of the southerners, Yiruma, was mesmerizing and depressing her with his piano masterclass, "When Love Falls." Then the world's fastest internet
  • provider of 2001, America On Line, said to Yiruma in its dulcet baritone, "You've got mail!" With that, Yiruma ended his piano concerto.


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