An undertaker has a pet vulture he trains

  • An undertaker has a pet vulture he trains to perch on his shoulder and talk like a parrot. One day the old pastor dies and his widow asks the undertaker to come and embalm his body
  • . "Come. Embalm his body," the pastor's widow said. "Embalm his body?" the undertaker asked. "Yes. Embalm his body," she repeated, The vulture parrotted, "Yes. Embalm his body."
  • "Shaddap ya damn bird." The widow said, smacking the vulture on the head. "Now are we going to mummify this bastard or what." "Of course." The undertaker said, lifting his top hat
  • and revealing the miniature version of himself atop his bald pate. In turn, the smaller undertaker removed his top hat, revealing the same. The vulture whistled, and the widow
  • played a wash board. It was a jug band from the desert that had come to play at the tiny funeral. The jug band's leader was Ishmael "Vulture" Gulchberry.
  • He played the kazoo and Washboard Sam played the washboard. Louis played the banjo. This was filmed aboard the Red Line southbound to 95th. Passengers applauded. One filmed it.
  • Little did they know that that one piece of footage would be forever remembered worldwide as the most beautifully chilling tragedy caught on tape.
  • "footage", he repeated... and the all shared a chuckle.. To think they actually had to store data physically. It seemed
  • the "people" of that time thought that all matter wanted to be used by them in such a fashion. They must have "felt" that they had some sort of dominion over all of Creation. Isola
  • -tion from a personal connection to all things will do that to people. Those that don't see themselves as part of the great spirit tend to assume that they are above reproach. Odd.


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