Natures beauty is so powerful. I wept at

  • Natures beauty is so powerful. I wept at the sight of the magnificent ancient rocky gorge. The crystal clear rock pools looked so inviting for swimming. It was a lovely warm day
  • -dreamer lounging on one of the rocks overlooking the crystal clear mountain pool. He gazed at me and yawned. Here in the middle of the beauty of nature I
  • would make my peace with Yahweh. I flexed my arthritic hands and began to crumble sacred leaves of persimmon, liverwort, and oak into the pool. I stirred the water, slowly chanting
  • the words of the Ancients, "Mils Mantihw..Mils Mantihw...where art thou?" A mist rose from the swirling waters. Suddenly a shadow of a man appeared. He wore a fedora.
  • His fedora wore a fedora as well, and that fedora yet another. This infinite progression of fedoras was proof of the symmetry of the universe, balancing the progression of turtles
  • all the way down, supporting the Earth. This endless mass of fedoras was close to collapsing on itself. Were this to occur, a fedora singularity would surely occur.
  • The millinery shops were doing record business. The very notion of a fedora singularity terrified the Global Council of Hatless Men. They were powerless to stop the fedora invasion
  • Unless they took a page from the likes of The Man Who Folded The World. The vessel with the pestle has the brew that is true. That is the thing he had to remember they remembered.
  • But he couldn't remember a thing. All he knew now was that he had two fake furry arms that held tiny cymbals and every time someone threw the switch he had to clang them together.
  • This was accompanied by tinny music. Passerby tossed loose change at him. He sat there stunned until the organ grinder demanded he stop monkeying around and get back to business.


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