It was 4 am. The young donkey brayed loudly

  • It was 4 am. The young donkey brayed loudly to get attention. Farmer Bias grabbed the cattle prod. He'd had enough of Dinka's antics, but when he got to the stall
  • he could smell it too. Birtha, his milking cow was dead. Not only dead, but carved up. Neat long, flowing slices ran across her body. Her ribs cleaned of flesh. Farmer Bias
  • examined the cattle mutilation and smelled a faint wiff of molasses. Farmer Bias then knew the aliens were preparting for the Blues n' Ribs BBQ festival in Reno. He had to warn the
  • band. Blue Vegas had been trying to get booked at the Blues n' Ribs BBQ festival for years. He didn't want them to get slaughtered like the cattle. Plus, they might not get paid.
  • Blind Lemon Jefferson sang, "I Hear Some Blues Downstairs" while Hecky Powell served his famous bsby back ribs. The audience loved it.
  • Busby Berkeley was aghast, at first, when Hecky Powell pulled out some of his ribs, but later he found that the lack of chestal baggage helped his choreography. Without those ribs,
  • Busby's lungs took on a life of their own. He watched breathlessly as they climbed out of his mouth & breakdanced. He folded neatly in two at the waist so his ass became his head.
  • Confused by the sudden loss of shape, Busby's Ulna shimmied through the loose skin to see what was going on. "No use staying in the body guys,this one is a goner" the Ulna cried.
  • His senses kicked up into Emergency mode as they tried to find another host before they lost cohesion. The Ulna reached out from the now dead Busby and jumped into a spacedildo tha
  • nking and begging their gods for still being alive and for safe passage. The travel will be long and tiresome but they bid for the stamina needed for the journey. They would sacrif


  1. Woab Mar 08 2018 @ 10:54

    -fice the end of the story, as they were firm believers in Emerson's words; 'Life is a journey, not a destination.' Welcome, GodzNo.

  2. SlimWhitman Mar 08 2018 @ 16:55

    ... and welcome randomsham, nice fold!

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