When the two Giraffes entered the arena the

  • When the two Giraffes entered the arena the crowd roared with excitement. Giraffe neck wrestling had become a popular sport. I went and placed a bet on Jimbo the dark spotted giraf
  • Fe. Sure enough, jumbo won, and was taken to the exotic-animal butcher. What a strange sport!
  • The little dog laughed to see such a sport & the dish ran away with the spoon. Really, so strange...this "sport." Whatever happened to good a old-fashioned basketball game? Why all
  • need for dishes anyways. The dog thought it was sort of a waste of time. Putting food on plates, utensils, the whole thing seemed overly ornate and interfered with pure enjoyment
  • , but that's where we differ. My dog loved lapping juicy bits of gravy-covered mystery meat from the floor, while I enjoyed a char-grilled steak with Béarnaise and a glass of
  • Talisker on the rocks with a twist. I used to work in a gourmet restaurant, where I learned all the tricks of the trade. I also invented a few creations of my own. There were
  • several shady customers at the bar today. One of them, a burly, slow looking fellow who was on round three of tequila, glanced my way briefly. I could tell that he wanted to
  • fornicate but I really wasn't up for it. Instead I proposed a round of shuffleboard to pass the time while we waited to pass out. Me and the burly guy were locked in at 12 apiece
  • when the F-4 tornado appeared on the horizon.We thought about finishing the game later, but agreed that neither of us had much to lose by seeing what would happen if we stayed put.
  • So - we stayed focused. But every time when we were close to finishing the game, a new round suddenly appeared and kept us engaged. Soon, someone said : "this won't ever be over".


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