Having just completed my meta-analysis of

  • Having just completed my meta-analysis of all 84,025 folds to date, and correcting for coincidence, collusion, and allowed randomization, I have concluded that
  • it's time to leave foldingstory, isn't it?
  • Well, I suppose it is time to leave. I shut down my monitor, roll down my sleeves and turn out the lights. I punch the time clock at FoldingStory Inc. Another day, another dollar.
  • Back home, after a hard days work of folding, I let myself enjoy a hot cup of tea, and a crossword puzzle, for a change. It was then I saw clue 44, 'the process of writing a short
  • clue for a crossword puzzle while enjoying a hot cup of tea." Hmm I knew this one and jotted down the answer in pen because I'm never wrong. The next clue was "Ten leaping daisies
  • down a gravel footpath". I snorted. Easy. I filled in the squares of the crossword and moved to the next clue. As I went to take a sip of tea, I noticed the surface was rippling.
  • Then the vase on the table began to shake along with other items around the room. It's an earthquake! My chest begins to tighten and I start to panic, I have to save Louise!
  • I swiftly scooped her into her travel tank and strapped her to my back. I hoped there would be enough oxygen in her water to last the long and arduous journey I feared would be
  • our last. "I hope it's not too heavy for you," she called to me from the tank on my back. "Oh, I've had worse," I lied as I surveyed the treacherous mountain roads ahead of us.
  • I winked at her, knowing instinctively she couldn't really see a damn thing i did, it was more the thought that counts. Then I just turned my face towards the sun & headed homeward


  1. BlastedHeath Aug 03 2018 @ 01:21

    Nice way to make an entrance, Ursula and Bubblefunk! Welcome!

  2. SlimWhitman Aug 03 2018 @ 16:23

    Is Louise a talking or telepathic goldfish?

  3. bubblefunk Aug 03 2018 @ 17:11

    SlimWhitman - naturally!

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