Hello my name is Emily. I like to go to

  • Hello my name is Emily. I like to go to
  • the park on a sunny day when the breeze is blowing and feed the ducks. Today, it was raining, the buses weren't running, and the pond was being cleaned.
  • The ducks wanted to reclaim their pond, armed with the fury of feathers they struck! The workers didn't have buses to back them up, a terrible fate was assured.
  • The ducks quacked the workers into submission, before long they had the pond back under their control, but then they decided, why stop there, when they could have the world?
  • The ducks huddled in their industrial fortress. Turns out world domination takes a lot of planning, and writing a montage is beyond the scope of this thirsty writer. Skip ahead
  • to when the ducks had been sat in their fortress for a year when Master Quackton noticed a small blur on the horizon. It was
  • A Torquacko speeding it's way towards him. He shouted for the guards who waddled their way into the open. "Now just what are we meant to do about that?" he asked, waving a feathere
  • -d serpent at the guards. "Don't be a loon, duck. Find a blind before your goose is cooked," one of the guards quacked at him before diving into the duck pond before the torquacko
  • hit, which destroyed the turducken. But the soothing waters of the duck pond kept me safe from the flying debris, and when I emerged, I found Mrs. Smythe's house on the other side
  • in flames! "Mrs. Smythe!" I screamed and ran towards the house. I tried to run into the house to help, but an explosion knocked me from my feet. I could hear screaming from inside.


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