Beauty tightrope walked into the Parisian

  • Beauty tightrope walked into the Parisian jail to break Beast out on a false murder charge; she'd dropped the teacup by mistake. But Gaston coerced Crazy Old Maurice into aiding
  • Rumpelstiltskin build a giant spinning wheel, as part of a deal to get mind control powers for Gaston. Beauty was still mourning Chip when
  • Mrs. Pots steamed in. She'd been stewing all night about Chip's death. An evil at the castle was brewing and Beauty was Mrs. Pots's best chance at revenge. Gaston and Rumpel
  • Of the Stiltskin family were waiting in the bushes to ambush Mrs. Pots. Little did she know...
  • The Stiltskin's really hated Mrs.Pots for the role she played in the horrible death of old Rumple.They'd recovered he two halves of his corpse & sewn him back together. Reanimation
  • would be tricky, but they were determined to bring Rumple Stiltskin back to life. Becky Stiltskin, his second-cousin, would lead the risky reanimation ritual, and Rolf Stiltskin
  • , Rumple's nine seventeenth three times removed but always returned to the home "cousin", would be the beneficiary. Some said that Rolf Stiltskin was the spitting image of Rumple.
  • And if you spit on him long enough, Rolf did indeed resemble his famous relative Rumple Stiltskin. So Rolf inherited all of Rumple's ill-gotten gain, and opened a casino in
  • his back yard. He called it Rolf's ROTFL and the casino gift shop specialized in furs and skins. It was beyond creepy. Some seriously twisted events went on during the intermission
  • , which was the norm, truth be told. Minutes later, laden with hot buttered popcorn & a grape Nehi, he cuddled back down into his furry seat & waited for the show to resume.


  1. Woab Jan 23 2018 @ 16:00

    Slim's and 49er's lines keep things flowing seamlessly. *shudder*

  2. SlimWhitman Jan 23 2018 @ 18:30

    It's show time kiddies!

  3. 49erFaithful Jan 25 2018 @ 09:15

    The only thing I know about grape Nehi is that it's Radar O'Reiley's favorite :-)

  4. LordVacuity Jan 25 2018 @ 22:31

    I once had an orange Nehi in Iowa.

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