Above the canopy of the palm trees surrounding

  • Above the canopy of the palm trees surrounding them, John could see the sky beginning to blacken. He could feel the humidity in the air growing, as he wiped the sweat from his brow
  • and collected it in his water gourd, just in case. John and his pet rabbit carried only a backpack with squirrel meat and a steak knife. The air was wet so John stuck out his tongu
  • e to catch some droplets, so he said as he watched his rabbits muscular haunches. Squirrel jerkey on a stick was getting old. John's rabbit loped along, only he knew the way out of
  • depression and misery. John's rabbit had read the Secret.
  • "Why the hell did you read my diary?!" John punched his stuffed rabbit cleanly in its plastic nose, earning disturbed stares from the other patrons in the cafe. He blanched at the
  • judgemental stare from the large woman in the bobble hat. "Pot - kettle", he thought to himself. Maria sneered across the cafe table. "I'll read whatever I like!" she shouted.
  • "You no read the pornogeography in my cafe!" he snapped, and with that, he grabbed Maria by the collar and dragged her outside. The woman in the bobble hat was next. He locked the
  • bathroom door and hugrily poured over the porn he'd just confiscated. To his dismay, the head of the man in the next stall appeared from under the partition: "Pardon, ran out of TP
  • so can I…WHOA! Look at the BOOBS!” He shut the smut mag. “I WAS looking, asshat!” That’s what he got for viewing porn in a public toilet. He thrust a roll of TP at the guy, hoping
  • That his friend could fix the mess that he made with just the tp. "That's not my problem to fix buddy." As the man left he could hear sobbing coming from the stall behind him.


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