The sky above was a dark orange in color.

  • The sky above was a dark orange in color. I knew I wasn't on the Earth. I was on
  • planet Acid. It had been a grueling journey and I was physically and emotionally exhausted. My travelling companions were a man I barely knew named Alan, and a chimpanzee. I took
  • Bob Marley out for dinner at Mcdonalds, only to find that he was a vegetarian for the green kush. So we left Mcdonalds and went to Mexico to find our sombreros and lucky socks.
  • "Calcetines suertes!" the youth of the village chanted as I donned them for the second time that century. "We're a long way from McDonald's," uttered my tour guide, the eminent
  • sound of his voice startled me, oddly but not so oddly because I just remembered I'm a burger kind fan! Quickly I ordered the subordinate villagers to dispose of this tour guide.
  • The tour guide protested, of course, but the ritual proceeded as expected otherwise. It was rather funny, really, watching him try to swim in the ceremonial pot of boiling water.
  • The sound of chanting grew louder as the tour guide pulled a soggy pamphlet from his uniform. "After eating th-the feast," he stammered from the boiling pot, "A dessert of savory
  • sardine yogurt" he bathed in the broth "after of course... Me the main course"
  • He said he'd take care of dessert. He went back to the kitchen and was in there a long time. I heard a cacophony of rattling, banging, and then a loud crash.
  • He shuffled in wearing a suit of armor he'd constructed of cake pans, cookie sheets and muffin tins. "Where's dessert?" I asked. "Right here," he said, clambering onto the table.


  1. Gibber Feb 05 2016 @ 14:49

    The main course AND dessert, what a coincidence.

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