In the middle of a gun fight, in the center

  • In the middle of a gun fight, in the center of a restaurant, they say, "Come with your arms raised high!" Well, they're never gonna get me, like a bullet through a flock of doves.
  • Normally, I would have said a flock of seagulls, but that would be too cliche. There was no way these gun toting midget drag queens were going to take me alive. I had a plan,
  • and I looked to the left and said,"Isn't that Cher and Madonna?!" The midget drag queens turned too look and tripped on their 8 inch stilettos, which gave me the chance to bolt
  • them down to the sidewalk. The little drag queens squirmed helplessly & were soon flattened by intolerant pedestrians. I started to leave, but one them grabbed my ankle as I passed
  • wind. I tried to shake off the little drag queen but it was too late. The other little drag queens were already admiring my shoes and asking if they could borrow them. I pulled a l
  • eg muscle from all the kicking, but they managed to tackle me to ground. "They aren't your size!" I yelled as they took off my shoes. At least none of the little drag queens bit me
  • in the shins like the last time. Those pint size whores are more then one man can wrangle on his own. Wrestling them into the train car was getting harder and harder at the end
  • and in the front. Yes, ive always been what they call a sick puppy. So, i packed em in and padlocked the door I turned my attention to finding the flux capacitor at the Twin Pines
  • shopping mall. My hair is akimbo and white. My face slack. I shout things like "Marty!" I gave Iranians a bomb with pinball machine parts. I am Doc and this is my time machine.
  • There are others like it, but this one is mine. They ran over my DeLorean with a train. I BUILT A TRAIN THAT COULD FLY. Great Scott, it was heavy.


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