Aja had run out of time, there was nothing

  • Aja had run out of time, there was nothing left she could do.
  • The Men had chased her through the night and she had barely evaded them. Now the dawns treacherous light gave her away. The Men were there.
  • She was cornered in her hiding place, and she could see the swing of their headlamps as they methodically hunted her down. Desperate now, she reached into her pocket and
  • grabbed her kazoo. She put it to her lips and began to play Take me Out the the Ballpark, a song that had always comforted her. She played louder as her pursuers closed in
  • . Her kazoo sounds attracted Casey's ghost who whacked her pursuers ectoplasm right out of their bodies. He needed a centerfield & a shortstop for his ghost team. "Take girls?" she
  • asked Casey's ghost. He said, "Well, we did let Casper on the baseball team, so..." She joined the Ghost Team. When they got to the park, they saw their opponents--The Ghostbusters
  • United -- a dirty crew if there ever was one. Ghostbusters United pitchers were always nicking the balls, their batters applying pine tar. The Ghost Team's complaints to the league
  • Were that the phantom whiffle balls were rigged. The wrecking crew played on in the studio. Ghostbusters United lost eight mattress men to the Portuguese Poachers, to the delight
  • of Mrs. Donahue, who preferred futons anyway. But the phantom whiffle balls had evil plans for her. They floated over her bed and pretended to be long lost relatives to whom she
  • had cut contact because of their narcissistic behaviour, and now they feel like they deserve a second chance and came to mend fences. Taken in by their deceit, she


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