I just got my Android. However, an history

  • I just got my Android. However, an history of awesomness before i get the damn Android is inevitable to listen to. Well, i was here, at the bar, drunk, talking with friends, when
  • I was approached by a Hater. "Spoilers are like bar flies they just keep popping up like so many crispy critters."
  • I replied, "Infestations are best handled with Predation. This way the critters population naturally tends towards zero". Later we released our digital predator onto the net.
  • after it was released people went crazy! and started
  • break dancing in the middle of the street. This was ill advised as
  • Bill Clinton and extramarital affairs in the oval office. But thats beside the point because
  • Robert Downey doesnt know anything. He just stands there, all high and mighty,
  • (well, mostly high - mighty, not so much) and spouts out of his pie hole about
  • sandwich geometry and the lyrics of entanglement physics, as though he had any understanding of what he was saying. Sometimes, one must choke a snitch, and this was such a time.
  • Not only would there be no forthcoming exposition of braneworld cosmology or inflationary cosmology (without singularity), but no websites would be permitted for telepaths, none!


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