one day at work i saw a woman who had a 13

  • one day at work i saw a woman who had a 13 ft wig that had birds nesting in it. i decided to ask her how she keep it clean and she told me she washed her hair with a type of shampo
  • . She said it was a mix of concrete, to keep the height, and suet, to feed the birds. The fad of highrise-bird house dos was popular in Europe, but hadn't hit the States. Until,
  • i began putting ice cream and chocolate cake in them. Unfortunately all the food had some negative effects on the surrounding area, which included,
  • pussy discharge and compounded weight gain. But I kept jamming Ice cream and cake in it. It kept bubbling and festering. But I couldn't stop. The ooze from it had a sweet
  • & sour taste that made me nostalgic for high school days,when I'd exchange pussy discharges with my acneed girlfriend. I'd saved a purple wattled ambition zit for her 16th birthday
  • . That was a long time ago. Now I basically just smoke pot all day, fight with my lesbian girlfriend, touch my vagina and then sleep with my tenant even though he has a boyfriend.
  • She rammed the sex toy deep inside her girlfriend while wheezing on her joint. "Yeah, FUCK YEAH" she wondered what her tenant was up to.
  • The tenant, meanwhile, was happily fapping while listening to the lesbian orgy through the paper-thin walls. At that moment, however, a ninja burst through the window, naked except
  • for the shadows wrapped around him like a cloak. Unnoticed by the tenant intent upon his mastabatory pursuits, the ninja landed inside the window silently and proceeded to draw his
  • deadly fork of plus one intelligence, those gingerbread ninja man didn't knew what was comming to them. The night was filled with the sound of crunchy goodness.


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