"Yea, Hi thea. How ya doin?" "I'm fine, Miss.

  • "Yea, Hi thea. How ya doin?" "I'm fine, Miss. Would you like to make an order?" "Yea, shua. I need some Samun & Baygulls." "Sorry Mam, can you repeat that?" "Samun, you know fish?"
  • "OK, got that." "And baygulls, ya know...bread?" She looked me right in the eye and I fell...hard. "Mista? You awlright? Heah, lemme hep you up." I felt the sparks between us when
  • she kept rubbing my chest with the jumper cables. She was my Brick Pollitt, all sweaty and mad in the face. I wanted to jam those copper cables into my gums and really give us a
  • Good excuse to wake up the sheeple. But it was not the time for that because the political correctness police were flying right over us, with sonic weapons. Yes, it was quite weird
  • running from the Law & Order forces. That was supposed to be our side of the battle. That is what I grew up thinking. It is time to stop the thinking & to look around at the truth.
  • They're coming for us, and our time is short. The only way to overcome is to sew Discord and Chaos within their ranks, and hope it disrupts their ability to follow our own actions.
  • Alas,our sewing of Discord and Chaos was so poorly done that it looked like a botched third grade embroidery project, and instead order and reason ruled the land. Defeated, we
  • retreated, but all our plaits were pleated. We would once again rise to counterstitch Discord and Chaos into the fabric of reality, despite the cookie-cutter harridans who tried to
  • stitch purely by hand. "Have ye no machine with which to stitch?" They barked to Discord and Chaos. "Who's a witch?!" gasped the cotillion of scullery maids.
  • Discord and Chaos replied "Which witch do I stitch the switch? Ditch your sales pitch and switch the bridge to my fridge!". The maids remained silent before shouting "Bravo! "


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